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March 2005 Archives

March 2, 2005

WHOIS Task Force invokes the Ombudsman

One of the GNSO's WHOIS Task Forces is now invoking the ICANN ombudsman, to be able to move on with its work. In December 04, ICANN staff had effectively vetoed one of the policy recommendations the group had made. Since then, the group has not succeeded in even getting an appointment for a conversation with ICANN staff.

March 8, 2005

Revisiting ACPI

I have been ranting a lot about Linux' support for my thinkpad: APM suspend (and, more importantly, resume) has been broken for quite some time, and is getting constantly worse. With the latest Fedora kernel, the machine won't even suspend any more when the wired ethernet driver is loaded; when that driver is removed, the machine still goes nuts upon resume.

Time to revisit ACPI, which was poorly supported when I originally set up the laptop, and swsusp, which still isn't included with Fedora's kernels. Turns out that, these days, ACPI suspend and resume is far more stable than APM suspend, and that swsusp2 just works when installed according to Matthias Hensler's useful instructions.

March 27, 2005

Crossing Borders

One of the nice things about living at the German-Luxembourg border is that you mostly don't notice when you leave one country and enter another. It's quite normal to go on a bicycle tour and cross the border multiple times without even stopping.

Border control facilities have mostly been shut down, and are being repurposed for more reasonable things. For instance, in Rosport near Echternach, for an art gallery.

About March 2005

This page contains all entries posted to No Such Weblog in March 2005. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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May 2005 is the next archive.

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