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May 2005 Archives

May 18, 2005

Luxembourg Lawyers Mustn't Link (Nor Be Linked)

For the first time, the Reglement Interieur of the Luxembourg bar association has been published: These rules used to be a well-kept secret of the kind of fraternity that the bar association was. The publication now is the result of the original rules being struck down in court, and of a law that for the first time ever actually gives the kind of rulemaking authority needed to the bar associations' councils. Also, the bar is now barred from putting tabs on third parties' money.

While the transparency inflicted on the bar association has without doubt helped to throw out some of the more outrageous rules that were rumored to be contained in the old reglement, it also makes some recent silliness visible.

The good news first: Luxembourg lawyers are allowed to set up web sites.

The bad news: They musn't link to non-lawyers, and they also must be vigilant that their sites not be linked to by non-lawyers. (Now, how's that rule going to be enforced?)

If you're as curious as I am as to how this plays out, updates are going to be here.

About May 2005

This page contains all entries posted to No Such Weblog in May 2005. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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