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Public Forum: GAC communiqué.

Sharil Tamizi is delivering the GAC's communique.

Standard preamble. ccTLD redelegation, IANA function. Pending redelegations for some GAC members. Priority. Review ccNSO progress. Encourage continued work. Move forward on GAC principles. WIPO2: Welcome creation ofo joint working group. Mandate of WG limited to analyzing the practical and technical aspects of implementing wipo2 recs. GAC regrets that the working group has not presented an outliljne and timetable for its work on the GAC meeting at carthage, welcomes request from president of ICANN that wg report to board at Rome meeting.

GAC whois and gTLD working groups met GNSO Council, discussed gnso PDP. WHOIS use by govt authorities, GAC will share with GNSO.

IPv6. New registry services: GAC follows debate on use of DNS wildcards. Received briefing from ICANN president and CEO, and secsac chair. GAC recognizes that many interests have raised concerns about competition, technicasl and user issues. GAC recognizes ongoing review. GNSO PDP on review of registry services. GAC will continue monitoring.

Root servers; GAC recognizes efforts to increase security and stability of root server system.

Outreach: GAC workshop dedicated to arab and african regions with participation from 17 countries.

Future of GAC organization and financing. Agreed a procedure for updating operating principles, and election of vice chairs later this year. Working group to consider structure, organization, financing of GAC.

Thanks to local organizers. Next GAC meeting in Rome.


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