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October 2005 Archives

October 21, 2005

Memo to self: The best backups are public web pages.

So my T43 lost its partition table upon reboot, again. It took me too long to find the note where I had jotted it down; next time, it'll be easier to just search here.

sda1   1 ... 13
sda2  14 ... 4864

The recipe is to re-boot the machine from the rescue DVD, use fdisk to write a new partition table. Reboot in rescue mode, let the rescue system mount the "old" system, chroot into it, run grub-install /dev/sda. Reboot again.

(Yes, that can be done more elegantly, but I don't want to remember all the lvm commands.)

October 27, 2005


klm.sucks (despite being half of my preferred airline these days) has launched a new web site which is so heavy on JavaScript that it doesn't even accept known browsers (Firefox) on unknown platforms (Linux). The solution: Set the configuration variable general.platform.override to the string Windows, and things will work. Of course, all this is, actually, entirely unnecessary.

ObW3CLink: Device Independence

About October 2005

This page contains all entries posted to No Such Weblog in October 2005. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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