The Latest Letters.
The latest exchange of letters between ICANN and Verisign is now available from ICANN's web site.
In response to ICANN's pressure last Friday, Verisign's Rusty Lewis accuses ICANN of a violation of the Registry Agreement as well as an anti-competitive interference with VeriSign's existing contractual and other advantageous business relationships. Threatens Lewis: VeriSign fully intends to hold ICANN accountable for the damages caused by its improper actions.
In a second letter, also dated 3 October, Lewis complains about lacking neutrality in ICANN's Security and Stability Advisory Committee, and about lack of opportunity to debunk some of the misconceptions currently being forwarded.
In a letter from Monday, Twomey responds. He rejects Verisign's concerns about the SecSAC and tomorrow's agenda, and suggests that SecSAC should hold a second meeting two weeks later or at such a time as VeriSign is ready to state its full technical position. Verisign is also formally requested to release its testing data from before, during and after the Service Change and to do so well in advance of the Second Meeting.