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September 2002 Archives

September 5, 2002

Who uses bulk access to WHOIS data?

Some discussions on the WHOIS task force brought up a relatively fundamental question: Who does actually make use of the bulk access provisions from the Registrar Accreditation Agreement? For what purposes are these data being used in practice? I'd welcome any pointers.

Second Implementation Report on Reforming the GA

The ERC's Second Implementation Report contains a long section on reforming the General Assembly. This looks like they are moving in the right direction.

September 9, 2002

More on Reforming the GA.

At IcannWatch, Ted Byfield has taken up my brief comments on the ERC's Second Implementation Report and its suggestions about the GA's future. Bad enough, Ted gets much of this wrong: The ERC does indeed move into the right direction, as I wrote.

Continue reading "More on Reforming the GA." »

Verisign registrar busy fixing WHOIS.

It looks like Verisign registrar is finally fixing its WHOIS services. See this file for the current state of affairs.

September 11, 2002

Transfer Task Force: Open Call Today.

The Transfers Task Force is going to hold an open telephone conference today at 2:30 p.m. EST; details here. If you want to participate in the call, you most likely want to look at the latest proposal (note this remark).

September 12, 2002

Dotster to ICANN: WLS requires consensus.

Dotster has sent a letter to ICANN, complaining about the board's decision to permit WLS. The argument goes like this: Section 4.2.4 of the RAA says that "new and revised specifications and policies may be established" concerning "principles for allocation of Registered Names". WLS changes these principles. Thus, the board's decision constitutes new policy which would require appropriately documented consensus. Dotster says that no such consensus exists (certainly true), and that it would like to bring this to the Independent Review Panel. Since no Independent Review Panel exists, Dotster is not obligated to comply with the new policy. Consequently, WLS must be stayed.

Irritations about the ccNSO.

It seems like the ERC's approach to setting up the future ccNSO may have caused some irritations among ccTLD managers. See this message from Peter Dengate Thrush to Alejandro Pisanty for details.

September 13, 2002


You may have noticed that this weblog has changed URLs: Due to slightly absurd side effects of a change in hosting arrangements, this site now resides at log.does-not-exist.INFO. For the time being, the old URL will continue to work and will redirect you to the new one.

September 15, 2002

Public Benefit or Consensus? ICANN's mission still unclear.

A recent exchange of opinions on the GA mailing list sheds a spotlight onto the fact that ICANN's mission is not yet clearly specified, even this deep into the reform process. More precisely, the ERC's output so far doesn't seem to provide the criteria needed to decide whether or not certain implementation details are a good idea in order to implement ICANN's mission.

Continue reading "Public Benefit or Consensus? ICANN's mission still unclear." »

September 17, 2002

IANA Access to ccTLD Zone Files (updated [september 18])

In a posting to the GA, Stuart Lynn responds to a planned Names Council resolution on ICANN's (or, for that matter, IANA's) demand to get zone file access to ccTLDs' zones before any changes concerning these ccTLDs are made to the root zone. According to the ccTLDs, IANA's current practice is threatening stability. According to Lynn, it's not.

Continue reading "IANA Access to ccTLD Zone Files (updated [september 18])" »

ICANN posts status report on ccNSO

ICANN has posted a status report on the formation of the ccNSO assistance group (which carries a date of September 13 - for whatever reason). The status report characterizes the group (which includes individuals with a large variety of backgrounds) as providing the ERC "with additional qualified and experienced hands and minds to help complete its work". This particular assistance group's job seems to be the "creation, structure and operation of the ccNSO". The obvious reaction is most likely to ask why this entire thing isn't left to the current ccTLD constituency. That reaction does, however, miss the blueprint's design goal for a ccNSO: "The CNSO is not intended to be just an elevated ccTLD constituency, but is rather a policy-development body." The composition of the assistance group is certainly in line with that objective. However, it's not at all clear why even the ccTLDs' "representatives" (not really) to this group were appointed. Alf Hansen (.no) offers some thoughts on this. (BTW, the GA is amazingly useful today.)

September 18, 2002

Zone File Checking Tools.

Let's add some information to the current debate on zone file checking: There is a variety of free tools available which performs many checks like the ones mentioned in IANA's FAQ on TLD zone file access. Examples include dnswalk, dlint, doc.

Unless IANA is actually using one (or several) of the tools listed above in order to check TLD zone files, it would most likely be a great service to the community if they'd publish the software they are currently using to check zone files - I don't believe they are inspecting TLD zone files manually. Such a tool could be helpful to those who (as opposed to large ccTLDs) still edit zone files manually.

September 19, 2002

Issue Paper on Domain Deletions

Names Council Chairman Bruce Tonkin has just posted an issue paper on domain name deletions. The topic is also going to be on the agenda for the GA meeting in Shanghai.

September 20, 2002

ICANN's MoU has been renewed

ICANN's Memorandum of Understanding has been extended until September 2003. (ICANN's press release) Alexander Svensson has a posted a summary of the changes between the 2000 MoU and the new MoU.

GoDaddy to offer "unlisted" domain name registration.

Go Daddy offers domain name registrations which replace the registrant's actual WHOIS information by "Domains By Proxy, Inc" int he registrant field and in all the contact fields. From a formal point of view, this looks like an application of section of the RAA: Domains By Proxy is the Registered Domain Name Holder, and and licenses the use of the domain name to the "actual" registrant. By doing so, Domains By Proxy accepts "liability for harm caused by wrongful use of the Registered Name, unless it promptly discloses the identity of the licensee to a party providing the Registered Name Holder reasonable evidence of actionable harm."

September 24, 2002

ARIN discussing change of bulk WHOIS policy.

Oscar Robles-Garay just forwarded this proposed policy change from the address world to the Names Council's whois Task Force. The suggested policy change: ARIN is going to include point of contact information with their WHOIS bulk data. Access to bulk data is tied to an Acceptable Use Policy: The ARIN WHOIS data is for Internet operational or technical research purposes pertaining to Internet operations only. It may not be used for advertising, direct marketing, marketing research, or similar purposes. Use of the ARIN WHOIS data for these activities is explicitly forbidden.

September 25, 2002

Stratton Sclavos on trust.

Says Stratton Sclavos: The digital infrastructure built over the last decade provides the opportunity for untold economic and societal benefits, but it will only reach its true potential if it can be trusted. However, what's even more important than a net which can be trusted (this is a non-trivial notion...) is trustworthy behaviour on the network's edges.

September 26, 2002

Pisanty re-elected to Board.

From the DNSO Secretariat: 26 September 2002, The Names Council noted and confirmed the election of Alejandro Pisanty from Latin America/Caribbean region, as the ICANN Board member.

CENTR on IANA Zone-File Access.

CENTR has released comments on IANA zone-file access. This is a response to the recently-published IANA FAQ on the same topic.

September 30, 2002

Lawsuit over .uk WHOIS service?

Silicon.com reports that .uk registry Nominet may be facing a lawsuit over proposed changes to its WHOIS service. Links of interest: Nominet's own description of the planned changes; a site campaigning against the proposal (with more links). (Via Internet Democracy Project.)

About September 2002

This page contains all entries posted to No Such Weblog in September 2002. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2002 is the previous archive.

October 2002 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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