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October 2001 Archives

October 1, 2001

Microsoft worms and routing instability

There's a noteworthy paper on Global Routing Instabilities during Code Red II and Nimda Worm Propagation. From the summary: In this online note, we summarize our preliminary analysis of the surprisingly strong impact of the Internet propagation of Microsoft worms (such as Code Red and Nimda) on the stability of the global routing system. The data exhibit strong correlations between BGP message storms and worm propagation periods.

October 4, 2001

Her Majesty's Government on Responsibiliuty for the September 11 TerroristAttacks

Her Majesty's Government has presented a document on the repsonsibility for the september 11 terrorist attacks. It's right now temporarily available from the 10, Downing Street site due to high demand. A local copy is available here.

October 5, 2001

Zero-Knowledge shutting down Freedom network

Zero-Knowledge Systems is about to shut down their freedom anonymizer network on October 22 according to this announcement from ZKS. See also an article from SecurityFocus.

October 9, 2001

Mutt-1.3.23 is out.

I've just released the next mutt beta. This version fixes a bunch of bugs found during the last weeks. Some of the more interesting changes, in no particular order:

  • MH sequence names are configurable.
  • Mutt will hunt down maildir messages even more aggressively.
  • There are various fixes to the address book menu. It's not that easy to crash any more. ;-)
  • .mh_sequences files which don't pre-exist are created on the fly now.
  • You can now print rfc/822 attachments from mutt without problems. Also, some inconsistencies with respect to printing these attachments have been fixed.
  • Various other fixes.
Download: binary / patch

October 11, 2001

Bert and Bin Laden

This is almost too good to be true: There's a Reuters News Photo which shows protesters at a demonstration in Dhaka. The photo includes a Bin Laden Poster where you can see Sesame character "Bert" just besides Bin Laden. Quite a bit discussion on this is on Lindqvist.com and at Slashdot. Also, in a FoxNews article, Reuters and AP claim that the relevant photos were not doctored. The most plausible explanation for this so far is that a Google image search for "bin laden" turns up a doctored photo showing Bert and Bin Laden on the very first page of search results, and that these photos were used to quickly build the poster. (Of course, all this could still be a hoax...)

October 12, 2001

ICANN DNSO Names Council .ORG Divestitutre Task Force Report

The draft report is available here. There is also an archive of the comments-dotorg@dnso.org mailing list created for the submission of comments.

October 26, 2001

I can't access msn.com any more.

(Not that I want to, normally.) Trying to connect to MSN.com's web site with, say, a current Mozilla, you'll be asked to download some current version of Internet Explorer for Macintosh or Windows. Just try it yourself.

About October 2001

This page contains all entries posted to No Such Weblog in October 2001. They are listed from oldest to newest.

September 2001 is the previous archive.

November 2001 is the next archive.

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